MOVING your body gives you…
Giving and receiving support is essential – whether it’s learning new ways to get out of bed, cross the threshold from one room to the other or even getting out the the shower when wet.
Take the first step before you need to…
We all know we will change over time… as we age, we develop capacities we didn’t have when younger and we also lose some abilities we used to have. By getting ready for change, becoming aware of these alterations, we can tailor a personal, customized “suit” that fits our new body.
Close Contact for Couples® keeps partners communicating with one another
Practicing safe movement techniques in a chair or standing gives both of you confidence and security
About Judith’s classes
Classes from Anyone Can Move keep you moving but don’t tire you out.
Breathe and Stretch
Breathe and Stretch uses techniques from Chinese qigong and Indian pranayama to help you reduce stress and revitalize your respiratory system.
Help Yourself
Help Yourself offers you ways to move through your day--getting out of chairs, beds, cars and showers—in new and innovative ways.
AnyoneCanDance is a sit-to-stand adaptive dance class, based on the principles of Dance for PD®, for those who want to explore the delights of music and dance styles from around the world.
Balance and Gait
Feeling in balance is essential to keep us safe from falling. More than just fall prevention, balance helps you regain energy and allow you to move with confidence.
Close Contact for Couples®
Close Contact for Couples® is a 6-week program in partnered communication, teaching you techniques you’ll use together for decades.

“The workshop has been a very positive experience. The information provided, the preview videos, the box of equipment, the interesting instructor and participants provided a very informative learning opportunity. And we also had fun sharing the experience with everyone involved.”
Sue C

“This workshop was a wonderful experience for us – it added a sense of play around issues that are sensitive and frightening. We have used the assisted get-up from a couch and also determining – clearly – who is leading the movement. Very helpful and reassuring. Helpful to problem-solve issues together and to take turns leading.”
Lonnie S

“Great format. The more practice, the more I’ve grown to automatically use the techniques taught. Like a playbook of combatting hazardous situations.”
James P

“Your class is informative, and you keep us focused with such good humor.”
Jim C

“The workshop helped us work more closely together to help each other. Excellent! Enjoyed it. Very helpful.”
Frank C
Let’s get together to share the benefits of movement and connection with others.
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